
Monday, September 3, 2012

Just Chillin

Happy Labor Day!

I logged in today after doing some RL stuff and to my surprise I had a whole bunch of notifications, including an IM and teleport from my Goddaughter Ali to come hang at a beach in world with her and her friends. Of course being the last day of the holiday weekend I couldn't say no to some fun in the sun, even if its virtual haha! We had a lot of fun. Ali pushed her friend into the middle of the water while she was afk lol and then she splashed me a couple times. She also threw sand at a guy friend of theirs while he was afk too. I think she had too much sugar in her but that's ok, keeps things entertaining! After hanging out for awhile, we went to sit on some chairs under an umbrella for some nice shade. It was very relaxing. I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend in both lives. I know I sure did :)

Alice & Me @ the Beach